Marlinspike Skills Weekend
March 4-6, 2005

I traveled to Camp Belzer in Indianapolis, IN for a weekend of adult scout leader knot tying training. Within the first hour the quality and quantity of training had already exceeded my expectations. For more information see See also 2007 photos and 2008 photos.
Camp Belzer had wonderful facilities. I was told it is the oldest scout camp in the country.
Friday night. Ready to learn.
Dave demonstrates the constrictor knot: it was used extensively throughout the weekend.
See it done twice, then pick up your ropes and try it on your own.
Practice until you get it.
John shows some decorative knots for staffs and rings.
I was surprised when I walked through the parking lot to see that Indiana has BSA license plates. Not very polically correct. I applaud them!
Eric demonstrates the ocean plait knot.
Eric demonstrates the ocean plait knot.
Paul's ocean plait success. Paul was my knot neighbor throughout the weekend.
This is what you can do with 75 feet of manilla rope!
Taking full advantage of some down time.
Result of a weekend of instruction
Satisfied learner
Lined up for graduation.

A big thank you to the staff for a job well done.

And God bless the quartermaster!

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Copyright © 2005 by Bill Qualls. Last updated March 7, 2005.